About Us.

Why + How We Work.

Reggie Marra & Kent Frazier

Co-founders of Fully Human.

Our Philosophy.

Our Intentions.

Fully Human is an interdisciplinary collective of practitioners committed to serving the well-being and evolution of human beings, with a focus on integrating three enduring commitments:

Our commitment Self.

Our commitment to Family.

Our commitment to Work.

Our intentions are to create a context for people to bring these three commitments into a greater sense of “coherence”. Toward this end, we explore both what we do to make money (‘survival work’) and what we do to fulfill our true place in the world (‘soul work’ or ‘sacred dance’)*.

As we evolve as a species, culture, and society, we make choices about “what works” and create ways of being to advance our individual and collective well-being.

We invite you to contemplate what is considered “progress”.

Our primary ways of being as a species, of striving for infinite growth, through the means of extraction, production, distribution, and consumption, while attempting to exert dominion over nature, to compel and control the world around us has, in many regards, become pathological and works against our best interests and our planet itself.

This way of being is creating significant harm to many individuals and communities and is jeopardizing the very life-giving and life-sustaining resources on the earth.

We skillfully steward this conversation and invite others into the inquiry and community of practice of what it means to be Fully Human as we co-create our future together.

*’survival work,’ & ‘soul work’ attributable to Bill Plotkin; ‘sacred dance’ attributable to Harley Swift Deer.